
XXXII Congress of the International Committee for Museums and Collections of Arms and Military History (ICOMAM) – ICOM (UNESCO)


29 September-4 October 2024

Draft programme  (precise details subject to change)


Sunday 29 September 2024 – Registration and Welcome

11:00 – 16:00 Registration Open National Army Museum
14:00 – 16:00 ICOMAM Board meeting National Army Museum
19:00 – 21:00 Exclusive Drinks Reception Tower of London


Monday 30 September 2024 – Congress Day 1 (National Army Museum)

From 8:30 Last-Minute Registration
9:15 Session One
10:45 Coffee Break
11:15 Session Two
12:45 Lunch Break
13:45 Dan Shea: Collecting and the War in Ukraine
14:15 Coffee Break
14:30 Session Three
16:00 Tour of National Army Museum
19:00 Close and dinner


Tuesday 1 October 2024 – Congress Day 2 (National Army Museum)

9:00 Session Four
10:30 Coffee Break
10:50 Session Five
12:20 Lunch Break
13:05 ICOMAM General Assembly
14:15 Coffee Break
14:35 London Museum visits (including Wallace Collection, IWM, and others. Full details will be included in delegate packs)
19:00 Close and dinner


Wednesday 2 October 2024 – Tour Day 1

8:00 Coach departs National Army Museum
10:00 Tour of National Army Museum Stores (Stevenage)
15:30 Tour of Royal Armouries, Leeds
18:00 Check-in at Holiday Inn Express, Leeds
19:15 Evening Meal at Royal Armouries, Leeds


Thursday 3 October 2024 – Tour Day 2

8:30 Coach departs Holiday Inn Express, Leeds
11:30 Tour of Kenilworth Castle
15:00 Tour of Bletchley Park
18:30 Check-in at Crowne Plaza, Reading


Friday 4 October 2024 – Tour Day 3

8:00 Coach departs Crowne Plaza, Reading
8:45 Tour of Windsor Castle
13:00 Arrival at Heathrow Airport